Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ups, Downs and All Arounds 2012

So I woke up this morning thinking I wanted to write a blog about New Years and 2012 and stuff but I  went blank. THEN I saw Amanda's update, which was SO awesome for lots of reasons mostly because I rarely hear from...well anyone and when I do it's after-the-fact and totally old news, then I go into angry/hurt pity party feeling super left out and then after a week I get over it again until I hear "old news" again and it starts all over. Sometimes I think okay I won't blog and then I'll see if anyone notices but really I blog for me. I blog to reminisce and remember and mostly to talk myself through whatever is going on at least that's what I'm saying to myself now.

I was thinking of 2012 the last few weeks and trying to remember what happened, seriously. I'm honestly not trying to be a negative-Nelly, its just hard to remember anything. I'm really weird about news years, I find its in the same category as like.... Kwanzaa or Yom Kapur, or Hawaiian T-shirt day, it just doesn't mean anything special or exciting personally. I've kinda always felt blah about new years. IF I want to change something I don't need a flip of the calendar to do so, ya know? I honestly think its due to the GOOD holidays being over.

From that first sign of cooler weather coming in, leaves changing and the smell of wood fire in the air I'm as happy as a fat kid in a bakery. Sweaters, scarves, boots, layers, richer/warmer perfumes and tastes, I mean come on! Even when I was single and dreaded Christmas morning, knowing my mister wasn't under the tree it was still so way better than when Christmas is over. Winter without Christmas lights and "seasons greetings" and extra nice people is depressing. The sudden contrast is a punch in the face. That's how I feel, thee end.

Now, 2012. I'll start with the let-downs:
1. The Election. -I still have to force myself from becoming an alcoholic everyday from its loss.
2. umm hmmm well....okay baby weight not wanting to come off

Well wow that's pretty awesome if those are the only things I can think of!

Now, 2012 the ups:
1. Paying off another 10K in debt. Actually I'm not sure how much but I'm sure its at least 10K while paying for thousands in car repairs/maintenance, some unexpected some expected doctors bills, etc.
2. Finding out I actually DO like the toddler stage. Who knew? Ben's so sweet and happy and loving and accepting of everyone.
3. My friends' diagnoses looking better! That was a big one. -I love and think about you everyday Char.
4. Going another year without having a fight with my husband. Disagreements/misunderstandings sure but fights, no.
5. Moved to a bigger place! There are imperfections but more awesomes than not!
6. Getting to see South Dakota/Minnesota/North Dakota and Tom's family. That was a treat.
7. Getting to see my best-ies in Texas, it had been years and yet we are all the same. More mature, more stretch marks (some more than others) but we are essentially the same people and I love it! I wouldn't change anyone well except for...haha jk no NOT anyone!
8. We got internet. YA its THAT note-worthy! It saved my life and sanity.
9. Finding my 30th birthday to be my most favorite of all. That was totally unexpected!
10. Loving that no one asks me if Ben is a boy or girl anymore. The last time was the week he turned 1 and LOVING how often women and men stop me to tell me how adorable Ben is, including a grandma who was holding her own grandson about the same age who was walking past us, stopped, turned around and said, "oh my gosh I have to say, he is most gorgeous boy I've even seen! wow!" I'm already proud of him for many reasons but its the cherry on the cake.
11. That while it took Ben till he was 11 1/2 months old to sleep thru the night he DID and does even 14 hours most nights THANK the heavens above.
12. Lastly but just as important. No one died, well no relatives or super close peoples.

Things I looking forward to in 2013:
1. Paying off Department of Education!
2. Getting more of Tom's education done
3. Boob-job (jk just checking to see if your still awake)
4. Ben going into nursery
5. Maybe another baby????


  1. Jess, don't feel bad about getting "old news" - I think that's just how it goes sometimes when we all live so far away! That said, I do know exactly how you feel and I think for me, I just had to decide not to let it bother me.

    Ben IS absolutely adorable and I love that he's made you baby hungry. (Don't lie, I can feel lit seeping from this post. :) Haha!)

    Congrats on knocking so much more of that debt off - such a great feeling isn't it?!

    Last, but certainly not least, I just love that you and Tom never quarrel. You two are just so good to each other. If Matt and I make it a week I think we're all the awesomeness there is. :)

    Love you!

    1. Pretty much the GREATEST blog response- thanks Morgan! XO

    2. Bahaha I love how you use the word "quarrel" Morgan. I feel like I haven't read that word since Anne and Green Gables.

    3. Say what? You don't watch AofGB every weekend? J/K, I don't even own it. Sad, huh.

  2. Hey Jess. You might be interested to know that one of my resolutions is to stay in better contact with my friends. You are on my list. I'm sorry I'm a crappy friend. I liked reading about your year and I agree with Morgan....a another baby in 2013 might just do you good! Congrats on paying down your debt. We start doing that this year...bleh. Love you.

  3. $10K paid down?! Awesome! I like this recap. Whenever I think about a yearly recap my mind always goes blank too. Maybe I'll post one of these...don't hold your breath tho! haha

  4. Favorite part is the new baby in 2013 BUT the question is will this baby only be conceived in 2013 or BORN as well???
